Lower Fraser
The Lower Fraser Floodplains Coalition (LFFC), working alongside the First Nations-led Emergency Planning Secretariat, is a group of experts working collaboratively towards a more principled and collaborative approach to flood resilience. Our expertise ranges from floodplain management, law, ecology, and systems change. Our vision is that “the floodplains of the lower mainland, and the people and non-human relatives that live within them, are healthy, safe, thriving, and resilient to flooding and associated climate impacts."
Main Project Contact: Mariah Mund
3 Working Groups
In efforts toward reducing systemic challenges and developing more integrated and resilient flood planning, the collaborative held a Strategic Planning Session and developed 3 working groups:
To advocate for better governance and funding to do this work.
To convene stakeholders to build capacity & relationships 
To catalyze projects at local and regional scales.